Who's on Your Team?

Years ago, when I would send my young son with a learning difference to school each day with words of encouragement, I sometimes felt that it was just him and me against the world. It took all we had – mother and son – to keep it together … and it was exhausting!

Now, as I look back on those years, I remember all of the teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, physicians, clinicians, Sunday School teachers, friends and neighbors who helped make a difference in our now young adult's lives.

It’s important for your kids to know that they have a support team on their side. Who is on YOUR team?

A support team is especially important at this time of year, when summer is over and school is just starting. This time of transition can be hard for those with mental illness and learning differences, so the entire team needs to be aware and watching for changes in your child's emotional well-being. Teachers, for example, are in a unique position to pick out those who might be struggling and who could benefit from professional help. They might even notice things that parents don’t know about. Keep the door of communication open with your child’s teachers, and let them know about any concerns you may have about your child.

It truly takes a village to raise a child, and you never know the influence you or someone else will have on the life of a child, and into adulthood. Be sure to take time out from your busy schedule to thank those people on your team who have taken the time to care about your child, and about you. 

Remember .. transitions are hard. Be easy on yourself. Take this journey one moment, one breath at a time.

I'm on your team!


Kristi Horner
Founder and Executive Director