As a caregiver, being prepared to face challenges takes courage.

We KNOW that COURAGE is an essential element to resilience as a caregiver. What's in your COURAGE tool kit? How can caregivers be prepared for uncertainty? 

We’ve designed a Caregiver COURAGE Tool Kit just for YOU!

Courage Tips

  1. NOTICEwhat is causing you fear

  2. FACE ITacknowledge what is causing your fears – say them out loud – to yourself, a family member or friend, a professional

  3. FIND YOUR SANCTUARYa safe space

  4. REFOCUSthink about something else – picture yourself in a happy place

  5. BREATHEfocusing on your breath drives out fear - practice 4-7-8 breathing

  6. MEDITATEuse a mantra or guided meditation app to refocus your brain

  7. LET IT GOfear is a reaction – feel it, then let it go

  8. RECOGNIZE – you possess COURAGEOUS behaviors to face your fears

  9. POSITIVITY focus your thoughts on what’s going well – the silver linings of any situation

  10. GRATITUDE – find one thing that you can be grateful for every day

  11. PLAN how will you continue to build your courage to let go and move on

Breathing Exercise

2-to-1 Breathing

Exhalation at a duration twice as long as inhalation. 2-to-1 breathing reduces stress and anxiety as well as improves sleep

Come to a comfortable position. Allow yourself a few minutes to relax and breathe deeply. Starting with 2-1 breathing, progressing to 4-2 breathing, then 6-3 breathing.

  • Exhale - Breathe out for 2 counts

  • Inhale - Breathe in for 1 count

Do about 10-20 rounds or more depending on how you feel.

Affirmations for Courage

Use affirmations to inspire you, reframe your thoughts, or post them somewhere as a reminder.

I embrace this day with confidence and courage.

I am doing the best I can at this moment. 

I have hope and trust that the light always outshines the darkness.

I have survived 100% of my worst days so far. I am stronger than I think.

Inhale courage. Exhale stress.

Courage to Caregivers Resources

YouTube Breathing Meditation Channel

Spotify Playlist for Breathing Meditation

Community Alliance Resources:

LifeAct - Stress Management Tips

Community Supporter Resources:

National Resources:

A few of our favorites

www.mindful.orgall things mindful and meditations that inspire and connect

What We Can’t Control Is Teaching Us To Let Go (Easier Said Than Done) - Forbes



Unlocking Us with Brené Brown – live, love, parent, and lead with more courage and heart

Being Well with Rick Hanson and Forrest Hanson - explore how we can become happier, build inner strengths, and get the most out of life

The Mastin Kipp Podcast encouragement and inspiration to improve your mental + emotional wellbeing

We LOVE talking about COURAGE - after all, it’s IN our name! We’re all about empowering caregivers, which is why it’s Courage TO Caregivers. We’re here, cheering you on, supporting you by your side in every way. We believe in YOU - oftentimes before you believe in yourself. It takes COURAGE to ask for help.