The Healing Power of Writing

There’s something special about seeing things in writing (whether on paper, or these days, on some sort of screen). That’s why journaling can be so powerful.
Simply put, journaling involves keeping a written record of your thoughts and feelings as you experience day-to-day events in your life. It may not sound like much, but it’s an exercise that can bring a surprising amount of health-related and other benefits:  

  • Journaling allows you to actively engage and process your thoughts, bringing you into a state of mindfulness, where frustrations and anxiety lose their power to affect you.

  • By writing down goals, you’re more likely to take action to achieve them.

  • Journaling increases emotional intelligence, which is the ability to recognize and manage your emotions. Writing down your thoughts and experiences helps you process them and gain greater self-awareness.

  • Recounting and recording your experiences and feelings will help solidify your memory and ability to recall details.

  • Committing to writing in a journal regularly helps you build self-discipline. The more you do it, the more it becomes a habit instead of an obligation.

  • Converting your thoughts and feelings into written words can improve your communication skills as you try to express your feelings to others.

  • Expressive writing and translating experiences into words can be a route to better understanding and healing.

  • Releasing emotions through journaling can lower anxiety and stress, and lead to better sleep.

For caregivers specifically, here are six benefits of journaling. The benefits include reducing stress, improving health, finding solutions to difficult challenges and getting in touch with yourself.
Whether you’re writing in a book or on a computer, take some time today to write down whatever you feel like. Then make it a part of your daily self-care routine, and you’ll see the benefits!