Don’t Be Afraid – Take Some Time Off

When was the last time you had a night out with a partner, friend, or close relative?
Taking time out for yourself has SO many benefits. An evening out of the house can be refreshing and invigorating. A few hours spent with a significant other, friend, coworker, or relative can be just the break you need from your daily cares and responsibilities. It may not even matter what you do or where you go. It’s simply “quality” time spent focused on yourself and the person you’re with – and not talking or even thinking about caregiving.
“If family caregivers don’t take the time needed to care for themselves, we will face an additional health care crisis,” says Lily Sarafan, CEO of California-based Home Care Assistance, which provides support services including respite care. “Caregiver burnout can be associated with serious health issues including depression, and yet burnout is still not recognized as a real health issue in the eyes of many caregivers. Families and communities need to develop sustainable care plans that do not just rely on a single individual.”
But as I’ve heard countless times from caregivers, it’s a challenge to find respite care – reliable temporary care for a loved one – but it’s necessary for the caregiver’s self-care.
So, to provide some encouragement and perhaps give you some ideas, check out this list from our friends at Next Avenue, of nine ways to get respite care. And here’s a great resource from Caregiver Action Network that may help address one of the biggest fears a caregiver has – taking time off.
I understand that fear, and it’s actually one of the reasons I founded Courage to Caregivers. The 24/7 burden of caregiving leaves many caregivers feeling burned out and alone.
Know that here, you are NEVER alone.