Ways to Beat Stress

Some might think it’s a coincidence that our topic this week is Understanding Stress. Well, I don’t believe in coincidences. Fortuitous? Yes. Coincidence? No.
As we all know, caring for someone you love who is living with mental illness can be stressful on a GOOD day. These days, there’s even more adding to our stress levels. So this week, we’re sharing some strategies on how to cope.

Here’s an article with some good tips, including positive self-talk, stress-relieving relaxation, meditation, exercise, balanced lifestyle, dealing with anger, and changing your life. “Sometimes changes in your life are the only way to really reduce stress. … It might mean that you do less for now. For example, if you’re studying full time and working and have a relationship and a social life, you may need to cut down somewhere, or cut down a bit everywhere.” That advice fits very well with what we’re being asked to do to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Here are more stress-management strategies from DailyCaring. While focused on senior caregivers, these strategies also apply to caregivers of those with a brain difference.
And from our friends at Esperanza Magazine for Anxiety and Depression: “Chronic stress can make us lose sight of what brings us joy. Rediscovering that joy – and letting go of guilt – just might tip the scales back to happiness.” I’ve asked this before, and I’ll keep asking it: What brings you JOY? What fills your SOUL?
Another strategy is reframing, which we discussed in our support group this week. Reframing is a way of changing your worldview to create thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions that cause less stress. For example, instead of saying, “my loved one is acting this way just to annoy me,” you could say, “he/she isn’t able to make a better choice at this time.” Is there a way YOU can reframe a difficult situation to reduce your stress?
As a final word about our programs, we’ve now converted all of our in-person programming to online for the foreseeable future. We’ll have all of our usual content, led by our usual leaders, at the same times each week – Breathing Meditation classes will be at 6 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Support Groups will be at 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. AND we're adding a third day and time - or more based on demand - for both Breathing Meditation followed by Support Group! Best of all, you’ll no longer have to be in the Cleveland area to attend! But you’ll need to register and sign our waiver to get access to our virtual meetings.

I can’t think of a better way to reduce stress, and I hope you can join us. Let’s figure this out TOGETHER.