You Look Marvelous!

This week’s topic can be a very sensitive one for many people. It can be an obsession, a deception, and a source of negativity for us if we think about it the wrong way. But if we look at it in a healthy way, it can be a source of revelation, self-esteem, and positive acceptance.

I’m talking about body image. When we feel good about our bodies, we feel good about ourselves. When we recognize that our body is an incredible, complex, and beautiful machine that works hard to keep us alive and enables us to do many great things, we can accept that it may not be “perfect.” When we set goals for our bodies that are health-related and not related to unattainable standards of “perfection” that society might try to impose on us, we are one step closer to our goal of self-love.

Having a positive body image is all about acceptance and shedding the feeling that we’re not good enough. We all have our flaws, and by recognizing them, we acknowledge that we are human and constantly in a state of change and growth. At the same time, such acceptance can also help us identify the qualities and strengths we possess instead of always focusing on what we think others in our lives and society are expecting of us.

One way to boost that acceptance is through positive self-talk. When you look in the mirror every day, remind yourself that you look great, you’re strong, you’re skillful, and your body is a reflection of the battles you have won. Understand that you are more than just a body. You are made up of many positive qualities and talents. Compliment yourself, and show kindness to yourself. Avoid putting yourself down or making comparisons. Try to appreciate your own beauty as much as you admire it in others.

For many of us, this may be contrary to the way we’ve always thought of ourselves. If that sounds like you, here are some tips from our friends at HealthyPlace on how to reframe your negative self-talk into positive thinking about body image.

And here’s an article from Emily and Amelia Nagoski, authors of the book Burnout Burnout Burnout, on how to stop judging your body and start viewing it with love, not shame.

Having a positive body image is part of the journey to self-love. You don’t have to meet any expectations for how you look, simply accept that you look great! YOU are perfect, just the way you are!