November Newsletter: Collaboration ... We are Better TOGETHER

"Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued - when they can give and receive without judgment." ~ Brené Brown

As caregivers, we often feel isolated and alone in our caregiving.

The journey as a mental illness caregiver is especially lonely, as we feel it isn’t OUR story to tell - it’s our loved one’s story of living with mental illness (or other serious illness).

As caregivers, we often feel judged or shamed for our actions (or lack of actions) - and this makes it hard to connect with those we feel "don't understand" or in relationships where we don't feel safe sharing – or being vulnerable – as our most authentic true selves.

Courage to Caregivers brings together caregivers and has created a community of CARE. A place where you’ll never feel alone in your caregiving again. Where you are accepted for who you are (and that's SO much MORE than "just" your caregiving responsibilities).

We are here to support you - as a caregiver - as YOU - in your personal growth journey towards greater health and well-being. 💙 When you take care of yourself (too), you provide better care to those you love.

We love to think about the RIPPLE EFFECT as a great way to visualize the caregiver/support dynamic. The caregiver and loved one are the stone tossed into the water. The ripples generated in the water are the levels of care provided and needed, from the obvious ones near the point of impact to the lesser ones farther away. You might need one or two people to be your stronger supports for daily or more complex assistance and a larger but less-involved group to cover the mundane or occasional tasks.

The first step in building a support network is identifying WHAT your needs are - both short and long-term. As caregivers, we often find it hard to ask for help for OUR needs. Think about what YOU need - help with finances, cooking, errands, respite care, transportation, etc.

The next step is determining WHO can fill those needs for you, with compassion and without judgment or an expectation of reciprocity.

As caregivers - we can support each other. Remember, you are never alone. We are here for you in your journey of caring.

Check out the November newsletter focused on our theme of Collaboration here.