Self-Regulation Helps Us Put Our Best Selves Forward

Our new theme for this month is mindfulness, and our topic to kick it off is self-regulation. We talk a lot about mindfulness at Courage to Caregivers. Being mindful and keeping ourselves connected to the present moment means that we are better able to regulate our emotions and stay in control.

For caregivers, that’s important. Sometimes, we get overwhelmed by things around us that are out of our control. There’s so much to do, and nothing we do seems to be good enough. This feeling can happen all at once, or it can creep up on us slowly.

That’s the time to be mindful. No matter what’s going on, take a moment to notice … What is it about this situation that’s leading me to respond this way? What can I do to regain control of my emotions? How can I use my strengths to stay calm and composed while still meeting the needs of my loved one?

Of course, this is hard to do, especially in the middle of a challenging situation. But self-regulation is a skill that we can all learn with practice. Just taking a deep breath can be a good way to start.

And there may be some times when it is easier for us to be mindful of our emotions and maintain control. Be sure to take notice of those times, too, and try to figure out why some things make it hard for you to stay in control while others do not.

Focusing on our core strengths also can help. Through self-regulation, we can draw on these strengths to control our emotions, regain our confidence, and get back to doing what needs to be done. In other words, we are able to put our best selves forward.

Another key is to understand our motivation. Our goals tell a lot about who we are and what we want to achieve. They help us prioritize our actions, make progress, and continue to grow. They give us our WHY and help us navigate our journey down life’s path in the direction we want to go.

For me, YOU are a huge part of MY why … the reason I get up and get moving every day … and the reason I take care of myself. I want to be here and fully present for you and for other caregivers looking for support.

So, the next time you feel like things are spinning out of control, remember that YOU have the ability to control your emotions instead of letting them control you. And if you need help, you can always reach out to us for support.