The Opposite of Stress

We talk a lot about stress here – more specifically, coping with and managing stress – but this week’s topic is about the opposite of stress. Inner peace is a deliberative state of psychological or spiritual calm that we can feel despite the potential presence of stressors. Inner calm is being free from the emotions that can disrupt our peace and is a result of recognizing what we can and can’t control.

As caregivers, we experience a lot of things that can disrupt our peace, every day. Research has found that the stress of caregiving can take 10 years off of a caregiver’s life. So, adopting strategies that help us maintain our inner peace and calm is pretty important. It could add 10 years to your life!

Some easy ways to cultivate inner peace include:

·       Getting outside and back to nature

·       Eating right, including nutritious foods and drinking lots of water

·       Moving your body – in any way that feels good to you

·       Doing good for others through random acts of kindness, community service, and volunteer work

·       Practicing meditation and mindfulness – even a few moments every day helps build inner peace

For me, I try to notice the feeling I get when I’m holding stress inside my body. That’s when I try to go outside as soon as I can. I put on my boots, round up the pups, and take a nice, long hike. Spending time in nature with the fresh air and bright colors always restores my inner peace.

There are many other things you can do to help you gain inner peace and calm. If you need more ideas, here are 40 Ways to Find Peace of Mind and Inner Calm. Just find something that works for you.

In addition to possibly adding years to our life, finding inner peace and calm makes us better able to handle the chaos and responsibilities of daily life, and that benefits our loved ones as well as ourselves.

So, remember to find a few moments every day to connect with those things that bring you inner joy, peace, and calm, and take that time to make yourself the priority in that moment. Being able to recognize and meet your own needs in this way is not selfish, it is self-care. It will make you a healthier person and a more effective caregiver if you choose inner peace.

Also, remember that we’re always here for you, and WE believe in YOU.