September Newsletter: Attitude is one of your SUPERpowers

In my research around our theme for September of attitude - I found a LOT of different attitudes about ATTITUDE. I was looking for an expert, and it turns out a lot of people have a lot of opinions about attitude and the role it plays in our lives. Where I can see they ALL agree: our attitude is OURS - we OWN it.

My #1 SHEro Brené Brown helped me by keeping it simple ... "An attitude is a way of THINKING." She compares it to having a practice: "a practice is a way of doing, trying, failing and trying again."

This really helped me to focus in on attitude and my THOUGHTS.  Attitudes are evaluations of “things” (attitude objects) - a person, a product or social group.

Turns out we each hold thousands of attitudes - some of these are inherited and some are learned. AND ... no matter what the attitude is, WE hold the control. 

Here are 5 TIPS to DEVELOP your attitude:

1: MINDSET MATTERS: Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? With a growth mindset you recognize that you are a perpetual perfectly imperfect work in progress and your attitude can change over time. Embracing a growth mindset allows you to see the learning in your mistakes.

2: CONNECTION: Surround yourself with people who inspire you AND those who think differently from you with the intention to "seek to understand" - more growth mindset in those moments! 

3: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Trust yourself. Confidence is essential. Remember your strengths. Check your self-talk - what's the story you are telling yourself? Check your attitude and self-talk for positivity. 

4: ACTIONS: Take ACTION. Set micro-goals that are SMART and create an action plan. Persistence is essential here. Persistence, the motivation to move forward and keep going, creates an atmosphere of hope. ​​​​​​​​We know that actions speak louder than words, so, what do your ACTIONS say about you?

5: EXPECTATIONS: Check your expectations - of yourself and others. Commit to a gratitude PRACTICE (more than just an attitude of gratitude) and work to forgive yourself and others. 

Check out the September newsletter focused on our theme of Attitude here!