JANUARY 2024 NEWSLETTER: Manifesting a Practice of Setting Intentions

January is often a time of reflection, and a new year offers new beginnings. Throughout January we have been focused on our theme of SETTING INTENTIONS. An intention is a personal commitment from YOU to YOU - how do you want to BE/become? Setting intentions requires a great deal of self-awareness. We started with mapping your journey, then explored expectations and open-mindedness, and rounded out with moving from survival to thrival.

Here are 5 tools for setting intentions in 2024:

  1. Start with mindfulness and come as you ARE. With a focus on inner peace, notice and connect with the most authentic version of yourself - with intention

  2. Next, what's most important to you - what are your core values? And leverage your strengths! 

  3. Then, remember, YOU are the designer of your own life. Who do you want to BE/become? What do you want more of? 

  4. Cultivate the power of intentional thinking - your mindset matters - how will you show up in 2024 for YOU? 

  5. Practice self-compassion as you plan for obstacles - be gentle with yourself - I have confidence you're doing the best you can in this moment with what you have. Focus on progress, not perfection.

Check out our entire January newsletter focused on SETTING INTENTIONS here!