Posts tagged Open-Mindedness
JANUARY 2024 NEWSLETTER: Manifesting a Practice of Setting Intentions

January is often a time of reflection, and a new year offers new beginnings. Throughout January we have been focused on our theme of SETTING INTENTIONS. An intention is a personal commitment from YOU to YOU - how do you want to BE/become? Setting intentions requires a great deal of self-awareness. We started with mapping your journey, then explored expectations and open-mindedness, and rounded out with moving from survival to thrival.

Here are 5 tools for setting intentions in 2024:

  1. Start with mindfulness and come as you ARE. With a focus on inner peace, notice and connect with the most authentic version of yourself - with intention

  2. Next, what's most important to you - what are your core values? And leverage your strengths! 

  3. Then, remember, YOU are the designer of your own life. Who do you want to BE/become? What do you want more of? 

  4. Cultivate the power of intentional thinking - your mindset matters - how will you show up in 2024 for YOU? 

  5. Practice self-compassion as you plan for obstacles - be gentle with yourself - I have confidence you're doing the best you can in this moment with what you have. Focus on progress, not perfection.

Check out our entire January newsletter focused on SETTING INTENTIONS here!

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January Newsletter: Setting Intentions - Make it a practice in 2023!

Throughout January we have been focused on the theme of  SETTING INTENTIONS. An intention is a personal commitment to YOU - how do you want to BE/what do you want to BECOME? 

Setting intentions requires a great deal of self-awareness. We explored mapping your journey as a caregiver - managing expectations (of ourselves and others) - and open-mindedness.

"Self-awareness is important when setting intentions. It’s the ability to possess the knowledge, understanding, and recognition of who you are. Knowing yourself means being mindful of your disposition, character, motives, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and desires. Self-awareness allows us to identify what makes us unique in terms of our thoughts and actions. Having all this information can be empowering; you are more likely to be introspective and ready to decide on your intentions when you know yourself, which is an important element of healing and transformation." ~ Diana Raab

What if setting intentions feels HARD?  Maybe you're worried about not living into your intention? Or perhaps you're concerned about facing your fears or are feeling discouraged or even disappointed?

We all get off track sometimes. Practice self-compassion - be gentle with yourself.  You've done hard things before - you can do it again! Take a pause - consider where you went off course - and commit to trying again tomorrow. Recommit in a kinder and gentler way.

Today, I will be more present.

This month, I will practice patience.

This year, I will celebrate my progress. 

Remember - it's not about perfection - it's about PROGRESS. 

I am a perfectly imperfect perpetual work in progress. 

Check out our entire January Newsletter focused on Setting Intentions here.

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Open Mind … Open Heart

“Until the mind is open, the heart stays closed. The open mind is the key to the open heart.” – Byron Katie

This week, we’re talking about open-mindedness, and how we can grow and improve as people by simply being willing to consider information that challenges our existing thought processes. When we open our minds to the fact that there are beliefs and viewpoints that are different from ours, we may also discover that those beliefs and viewpoints could be an improvement over the ones we currently hold. When that happens, we grow.

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June Newsletter: Grow Through What You Go Through 🌱

Empowerment is a "form of strength that stems from the self and community." It's also a process of BECOMING. Becoming stronger, and more confident.

Empowerment is important for ourselves - self-empowerment and OTHERS. As caregivers, when we change the paradigm from "caring for others" to "EMPOWERING others" - just think of the possibilities!

These are all reasons that empowerment is in our tagline - Courage to Caregivers aspires to provide essential tools of resilience to our participants. We can't do it FOR you - yet we can inspire, coach and support you in your journey of personal growth as you pursue and achieve your goals. 🙌 Then, this allows YOU to empower others - those in your care as well as other caregivers.

Empowerment includes "being given the means or opportunity to improve your situation." We know that the stress of caregiving can lead to caregiver burnout. How can you better cope/manage the stress of caregiving? AND how can we best support you?

Check out the June Newsletter focused on CREATIVE EMPOWERMENT here.

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Get Unstuck, and Pursue Your Possibilities

Here’s a favorite recipe of mine that’s great not only during the holiday season, but any time of the year: Take an open mind, add a dash of positivity, and top it off with a whole lot of growth mindset. What you get is a big bowl full of opportunity and unlimited possibility.

As caregivers, we can sometimes feel that our possibilities are limited and our growth opportunities are nonexistent. This can make us feel stuck … like our caregiving is holding us back from the things that could help us achieve our goals, pursue our dreams, and make our lives better.

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Creative Empowerment Towards Personal Growth - June 2021 Newsletter

What does empowerment mean to you?

There are SO many reasons that empowerment is in our tagline - Courage to Caregivers aspires to provide essential tools of resilience to our participants. We can't do it FOR you - yet we can inspire, coach and support you in your journey of personal growth as you pursue and achieve your goals.

Read our JUNE Newsletter here.

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