FEBRUARY 2024 NEWSLETTER: The Journey of Self-Discovery

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver

In caring for myself and others over the last few months, I have had a few reminders of just how short and precious life is. I always look for "reasons" - not leaving much to chance - and look at these reminders to not take today for granted - and remind myself that tomorrow is not promised. These reminders offer opportunities to hold space for forgiveness and gratitude - for both myself and others. 

These reminders also offer me an opportunity to slow down - pause - and notice. This greater self-awareness is at the root of self-discovery, this month's theme. 

I find myself asking my loved ones that I provide care to - how do you want to LIVE in this season of life. And, then pause to ask myself the same question. Sometimes, they are aligned - sometimes they are not. I honestly didn't see myself as a lifelong caregiver - yet, here I am.

Just like you - I have good days, and bad days. I have days when I feel strong and confident in my caring - and days when I feel especially vulnerable. I have days when I am communicating effectively and days when I know it could be better. 

You may recall that my intention for 2024 is to find ME again. As February came and went, the waves of life and caregiving haven't stopped - they keep coming - and I am still standing. I was forced to slow down in early February - catch my breath - and step out of the surf. It was hard to acknowledge that I can't do it all - all the time. As one of our participants has said - "I can't be all things to all people ... especially if I don't take care of myself, too." 

I think of self-discovery as being my most authentic true self - living my most authentic true life. AND, if you don't know what that looks like - that's OK. You're a perfectly imperfect work in progress - learning and growing every day. 

As I work to find ME again, our February curriculum topics offer the perfect 3 tools for discovering your true self. Maybe they'll help you in your journey of self-discovery, too?

  1. WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY? Feeling joy is a boost to your soul, connects you to others, and can be contagious. You are worthy of experiencing joy, from small moments to major life events. Show the world you can be joyful.  

  2. IDENTIFY YOUR STRENGTHS. You are a unique person with many strengths, some of  which you may not have even discovered yet. Cultivate your interests and abilities because they help you to be resilient, well-rounded, interesting and an interested individual. Be confident in who you are and what you can do. It makes you different and special! 

  3. HOLD SPACE FOR SELF-COMPASSION. You are as deserving of compassion and love as those to whom you give your compassion and love. We grow and improve ourselves by making mistakes. So instead of beating yourself up, just figure out what lesson can be learned and move on. By showing yourself compassion, you increase your capacity to give compassion to others, so everyone wins!

Check out our entire February newsletter focused on SELF-DISCOVERY here!