Posts tagged Radical Acceptance
Accept Reality, Not Illusions

This month, we begin a new theme of “My Place in the World,” and this week’s topic of letting go/surrender can be a difficult one for many people. I know it is for me. After many struggles, I now prefer to think in terms of “let it be.”

At first glance, this idea of letting go or surrendering might seem to contradict what we’re all about at Courage to Caregivers. We’re all about making progress, empowerment, and not giving up, right? Well, of course we are.

But the type of surrender we’re talking about can actually lead to greater empowerment. When we refuse to live under an illusion – when we recognize that there are some things we just can’t control, and there is no point in trying to fight a battle that we can’t win – we allow ourselves to move on to other things in life, where we CAN make progress, and where our strengths and abilities CAN make a difference.

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