Get Unstuck, and Pursue Your Possibilities

Here’s a favorite recipe of mine that’s great not only during the holiday season, but any time of the year: Take an open mind, add a dash of positivity, and top it off with a whole lot of growth mindset. What you get is a big bowl full of opportunity and unlimited possibility.

As caregivers, we can sometimes feel that our possibilities are limited and our growth opportunities are nonexistent. This can make us feel stuck … like our caregiving is holding us back from the things that could help us achieve our goals, pursue our dreams, and make our lives better.

We also may have concerns about failure or the perceptions of others about the choices we make. We might choose to follow a path that we think is safer, both physically and emotionally. But staying “safe” can easily turn into becoming stuck.

By taking advantage of opportunities and possibilities, we can get ourselves unstuck. Opportunities are things that CAN happen; they involve concrete choices between options, and an established set of circumstances with which you can choose to engage. Possibilities are things that COULD happen, including your dreams and aspirations. While opportunities often come to us from the outside and are engineered by others, possibilities are all around us and are limited only by our imagination. It takes an open mind and a willingness to think outside the box to see all of the possibilities that are available to us.

Opportunities and possibilities both involve making choices, and the action steps are up to you. Your worldview and general attitude – positive or negative, optimistic or pessimistic – can strongly influence how you respond to your opportunities and how open you are to new possibilities.

So, when opportunity knocks or possibilities pop into your head, you owe it to yourself to fully consider your options. Instead of thinking how you might fail, try focusing on how you might succeed. 

And if you need help, here are 50 ways to open your world to new possibilities.

The fact is that YOU have the control. YOU decide the direction you take, the goals you set, and the outcomes you desire. Although making choices may feel daunting at times, they can also bring new joys, adventures, and accomplishments to your life. The opportunities are there for YOU, and the possibilities are endless!