Turn Your Self-Talk into Confident Talk

Last week, we talked about how our strengths can be used as opportunities for growth, but the only way we can benefit from strength is if we have the confidence to use it. Self-confidence allows us to trust our own strengths, abilities, qualities, and judgment and put them to good use as we continue to travel the path of self-growth and meet the challenges we face every day.

The more confident we are, the easier it is to make positive lifestyle choices, develop healthy relationships, take risks, try new experiences, and commit time and energy to tasks that are important to us. And as is true for so many things, it takes a positive growth mindset to develop the self-confidence we need.

Unfortunately, this can be hard when we encounter difficulties in our relationships, our careers, our role as caregivers, or any other aspect of our daily lives. It can be too easy to revert to negative self-talk that makes it harder to draw on our strengths when we need them.

But don’t believe everything your brain tells you! Take time to notice what you’re thinking. By noticing your self-judgment and negative self-talk, you can work on turning that talk around and bringing your strengths back to the forefront.      

This can be done by flooding your brain with positive affirmations to wash away the negative self-talk. Some of my favorite affirmations are:

  • “I am enough.”

  • “I am becoming someone who loves themselves.”

  • “I am loved.”

  • “I am worthy.”

  • “I am doing the best I can at this moment.”

  • “I am a perfectly imperfect work in progress.”

Once you’re in a more positive frame of mind, it’s easier to gain the confidence you need to focus on your core values and channel your strengths toward what’s most important to you. Positive affirmations also can help you develop an inner sense of self-respect and self-worth. When you become more aware of how strong you really are, you empower yourself to move forward and achieve great things.

It may take time to build or rebuild your self-confidence, but that’s OK. By starting small and taking baby steps, you can develop confidence to approach more intense situations.

With self-confidence, the world becomes a place filled with opportunities and adventures instead of a fearful journey. Before you know it, you will truly believe that you are capable, responsible, reliable, and able to manage life on life’s terms … and on YOUR terms.