Posts in Dream Big
January Newsletter: You can be a dreamer ... and a doer, too!

Under our theme of DREAM BIG this month, we started with our vision for ourselves. Our vision clarifies our values and includes goals around those values. We explored creating your personal timeline, identifying your core values and personal mission statement, as well as focusing on what brings you joy.

It turns out that VISION is the most important domain of resilience. This is because all the other domains focus on what you want to achieve, and you can't take action to achieve something without a VISION!

Are you a dreamer? (I am!) Dreaming is all about envisioning a way forward. Looking ahead at the person you aspire to be. It requires digging deep and sometimes being vulnerable. It can be scary and exciting at the same time.

With YOUR vision for YOUR life, you know where you are headed. It's literally your roadmap for this journey of life.

Check out our January Newsletter focused on DREAMING BIG here.

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Courage from the Past to Set Goals for the Future

A personal timeline can serve as a guide for setting goals, and that just happens to be our first weekly topic of the new year, as part of this month’s theme: Dream BIG. Organizing your experiences by creating a personal timeline of your past is an exercise that allows you to see the positive and negative flow of your life on one page. Your timeline is unique to you and shows a series of events, circumstances, and choices that have impacted your life.

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